TIRUPATI: While the mood is upbeat in the rank and file of the Telugu Desam party, which secured back to back wins in the recently held MLC elections in the state, TDP's national general secretary Nara Lokesh who completed 50 days of his historic Yuvagalam padayatra at Sri Sathya Sai district on Saturday, vowed to transform the Rayalaseema region into a industrial hub once the TDP comes back to power in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
On the 50th day of his padayatra at Sri Sathya Sai district, Nara Lokesh interacted with representatives from the farmers community, the ST communities, the Muslim minorities and others and expressed his solidarity to the respective communities.
Addressing an impressive public meeting at Odisi rainbow education academy on Saturday evening, the TDP national general secretary underlined that Chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has completely lost the trust of the people of the state and the results of the recently held MLC elections in the state clearly reflect the mood of the people.
The people of the state are fed up with the fake promises of the Chief minister and are fed up with the four year misrule of the YSRCP led government in the state, said.
"Job calendar has turned out to be a farce. The 2.3 lakh jobs promised to the unemployed youth of the state has not been fulfilled. 6500 jobs in the police department were promised the Chief minister but not a single job posting has been created. On top of all there is no sign of DSC yet", Lokesh lamented.
Nara Lokesh pointed out to the people that during the last four years there is no sign of development in the state and Andhra Pradesh which was being showcased as the job capital of the country has now turned out to become the Ganja capital of India due to the lackluster approach of the YSRCP led government.
The former minister promised to the people of Rayalaseema that the Telugu Desam party which has always been a synonym for growth and development will establish industries on a big scale and transform the Rayalaseema region as an industrial hub of Andhra Pradesh once it comes back to power in the state after the 2024 general elections.